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HSPG - High
Score Performance Ground

A product of Horse Competence Center Germany

Your riding surface for a safe appearance!

What is HSPG?

For several years now, equine experts have been working with scientists at the university to achieve optimization in riding arena surface construction.

By using high-quality materials and a puzzle-sized elastic mat specially developed for equestrian use and tested under extreme conditions, the HSPG (High Score Performance Ground) was developed.

Horse owners, riders and veterinarians are convinced of this riding surface, the results speak for themselves.

Safety first!

Results of the HIC test confirm that in case of falls the risk of serious head injury head injury is reduced by more than half. The critical the critical fall height is 3.2m instead of 1.1m

Riding characteristics of the HSPG

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Elasticity of the processed floor mat provides for joint-gentle and energy saving rides


Optimum slip resistance due to constant moisture penetration of the tread layer


Avoidance of harmful dust exposure due to the constant moisture content in the tread layer


Environmentally friendly, recycled Material


Optimal cushioning can Prevent injuries


Water management
> 50% water saving

Increased safety by reducing the critical fall height by 50% from 1.1m to 3.2m (ISP 2013)


Global Player
A floor that can withstand the world’s weather conditions!

With the High Score Performance Ground (HSPG), we offer you a riding arena that not only brings optimal riding characteristics, but also convinces in terms of
safety, horse health and
water management. In addition to easy installation, there are also economic and environmental benefits.

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The special feature of the HSPG is the integration of a special elastic mat, the High Score Elastic Floor.
This mat is made of high-quality materials and is tested and certified under extreme loads.

The HSPG offers many advantages due to the special elastic mat, especially for the riding characteristics.

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The eLeveller is a riding arena leveller with integrated laser technology for ground leveling. This is a huge advance in riding surface maintenance, because the height adjustment of the dozer blade takes place without manual intervention by the operator. Commissioning is quite straightforward.

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  • HSPG Systems
  • HSPG Mat
  • eLevellerÂ