The Equestrian Event in Hagen a.T.W.
From April 20 to 24 the Horses & Dreams meets Canada 2022 takes place at Hof Kasselmann in Hagen am Teutoburger Wald. Here you will find international top-class sport embedded in world of experience with exclusive shows, entertainment, shopping and hospitality.
All riding arenas at Hof Kasselmann are equipped with the High Score Performance Ground. This offers both the dressage riders and the show jumpers the very best conditions, whether on the preparation area or on the test area.
The eLeveller is also on site at the show. The laser-controlled riding arena planner ensures an optimally maintained riding surface with its integrated laser technology. In addition, it will be possible to test the laser integrated eLeveller during the show.
At the Horse Competence Center Germany (HCCG)-booth, we will be available for our customers and all interested parties to answer questions about the HSPG (High Score Performance Ground) and the eLeveller.